Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How can this be happening???

Before I begin I want to be clear, the information I share is from my own personal experience and from research I have gathered via reputable research analysis and articles/journals. I am exercising my freedom of speech and in no way am I claiming to be a medical professional. All of the information I discussed can be verified via websites and/or medical journals.

Early August 2010: After giving birth to my second child I began to feel very tired and sever aches in my hips and legs. I attributed this to my postpartum (4 months) and to the 3rd generation birth control I was taking, which will remain nameless but was in the news. The following month I decided to stop taking it; I was previously on the same contraceptive after delivering my first born in 2008 for a period of 8 months and remebered that it didn't agree with me then either. So why do it again?.... out of convenience.

Late October 2010: The symptoms started to subside and I chose to no longer take any form of contraceptive.  Despite, the tiredness and difficulty sleeping persisted. Weeks later in my routine self breast exam I felt a lump in my left breast and I got scared. I didnt want to panic and so I calmly ste an appt. with my gynocologist (GYN). after she examined me she said.."I wouldn't worry about it, your tissue feels very dense and you just had a baby...lets get a mammography and ultrasound to be sure". One week prior to me seeing my new GYN I had gone for a thermography that showed massive blood flow in that breast. I went to the thermo scan because I didnt want to expose myself to any radiation due to the fact that I recently had a baby and my cells were still recovering; little did I know it wouldn't have made a difference.

A thermography is a non-invasive device that will scan your body and detect infrared, thermal heat or radiation on the electromagnetic spectrum (it reads the heat in your body). It can tell if there is an excess of blood flow in a particular area and will show a color mapping from blue (cool), to green, to yellow, to red and the white (hottest). My breast was covered in red. I knew then that I needed to go to the scheduled mammography.

Early November 2010: Mammography and ultrasound results are given to my doctor and she sits me down and proceeds to tell me..." I have never seen a report like this come back negative, I'm sorry to tell you that you have breast cancer".   

I couldn't hear anything else she said except when she mentioned that she knew I was a mother of two young children (2yrs. and 6 month)...and then after she said that I cried like a child. How could this be happening? I don't have any health issues, I don't even have cavities! Ok, I don't eat as well as I use to but why? What did I do wrong? 

December 2010: After visiting the surgical oncologist he declares that the mass needs to be biopsied. We biopsy and discover that I have Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC), the most common of breast cancers but the plot would thicken. My prognostic exam (showing the characteristics of the tumor- equivalent to its personality, if you will) shows that I am ER (estrogen) positive at 91%, PR (progesterone) positive 89% and Her2 (Herceptin) positive 3+ but my p53 was negative. what does this mean? It meant that although an ER and PR positive diagnosis existed which would typically make this cancer a slow grower, I has Her2 (Herceptin) positive and that would force this monster inside of me to be a fast growing tumor. The tumor is now 10 times its original size from late November and its in my lymph nodes.

Not Taking The Road of Immediate Satisfaction: Chemotherapy was prescribed, bilateral mastectomy, hysterectomy, more chemotherapy, radiation, Herceptin drug treatment for 1.5 years, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Anti-body therapy.  Immediately, I began my own work. DeIpite the fact that I was late in the game and I would be a cancer patient at stage 3, I began to fight back. I am now on a high enzyme rich diet consisting of raw living foods (veggies, green and dark red veggies), no meat, coconut water, wheat grass twice daily, only Organic and more. Why?

Cancer feeds off of simple sugars (sugar, candy, fructose, white rice, white flour, soda,  and even some high sugar fruits, etc...) but it can not metabolize protein, fats and complex carbohydrates (green leafy veggies). I had to slow this thing down. Cancer patients are also found to suffer from low vitamin D3 and their blood is typically thicker than healthy individuals. We all have cancer in our body, that is to say that our cells can transform to abnormal cell development at any time if our fighter cells refrain from functioning and doing their job. Naturally, herceptin is one of those fighter cells (protein) but the over production of that cell ("positive") will confuse the cells and change its original duty and begin assisting the abnormal development of the cancer cells hence, growing at a rapid pace. Going back to vitamin D3; this vitamin is generally produced via exposure to the sun. This is why newborns need to be exposed to the sun once a week for 20 minutes. Apparently so do adults. The D3 allows for bone health, it is life sustaining, provides immune support and has hormone like qualities that are processed through the kidneys and liver from cholecalciferol(D3) to produce D3 (calcitriol) and is then utilized by the body for protection and provide hormonal balance. People low in D3 can suffer from depression, back pain, pre-eclampsia during pregancy and cancer, just to name a few. Wow! Sure enough my blood work came back at 25, well below normal range.

Cancer also takes place when cells or genomes (genes) "shut off". These genomes are no longer functioing and cant support the body accordingly. This happens as we age and for that reason breast cancer was more common in woman and men in their 50's; claiming age was the major contributor. Later women at 40 were becoming affected and now women like myself in their early to mid 30's. But it doesnt stop there...young woman in their 20's are now facing the monster.

Why am I writing this? I have never read, let alone created a blog but something inside of me told me to TELL. Tell everything I am learning, tell everything I am doing and ask people to tell. Did you know that for some people coffee can cause a genome to shut off?  It may have to do with the frequecy of its use or it could be the individuals sensitivity to the change in insulin level due to the bean, not the caffeine. I was guilty of that.  So how do you know whether you're prone to getting cancer, excluding family history - which by the way, I have no family history of breast cancer. The best thing that I have learned to do is to have your blood evaluated. After my first son was born 2008 I mentioned to my girlfriend that I wanted to do a bioidentical analysis of my blood because I was seeking balance.  I should have listened to my instincts...dont ignore your instincts, get answers!

I am not saying that is the end all and be all but its a good start. More to come....I have a lot to share. Wish me luck Chemotherapy starts in two days.


  1. Melissa,, You can do this and it will fly by. Read my blog if you want to have an idea what to expect. Everyone is different but our "fight like a girl attitude" is the same.You are a warrior now. Congratulations on your choice to Kill this enemy.
    So fight girl.....Look at those beautiful children you have and kick cancers butt.
    Your hair will be something wonderful to look forward to.
    There is a network of woman out here willing guide you through. If you feel weak, lean on us. If you feel powerful, share it.

  2. Please check into the Gerson Therapy before you do the harsh medical treatments to yourself.
    Take care & Be Well.

  3. Dear Melissa..Thank you for writing this. I will be following it and will pass it on to others. We are with you!!
